even though this weekend has consisted almost entirely of reading and more reading, we decided to take the night off last night and go into town for a Guy Fawkes day celebration. We celebrated the holiday with, what seemed like, the whole population of Oxford. people walked in pack down to south park for a fireworks show at 6:30. we arrived a little early and the november weather caught up with us as we were standing, waiting for the show in the 39 degree weather. i was very glad to have a wool coat, and kim bought us each candied apples, so that also helped get our minds off the cold. the fireworks show was beautiful and it was so fun to be able to celebrate the holiday with all of the brits. i might even go so far to say that it beat the disneyland fireworks show. shannon is going to think that that is blasphemy :] after the show we walked to one of our favorite pubs called The Chequers. it has been around since 1500. yeah. we ate dinner and had more cider and called it a night.
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