Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a mishap

i've been avoiding this post. i didn't want to do it. but i'm sucking it up. here goes nothing:

thursday. the day we were leaving for munich. my mom and i enjoyed a nice morning in the british museum. we came back to the hotel around 1 and started packing up our stuff, and planned to head to the airport at 2 for our 5:00 flight. at around 2 i was talking to my dad and saw his passport in his hand. immediately my heart came into my throat and i put my head in my hands. my dad gave a "no you didn't colleen" statement. but yes, i had forgotten my passport in oxford. did i mention we were leaving for munich? *sigh* we made many many phone calls, and realized the only way for me to get it and still go to munich was to go on a bus back to oxford, grab my passport, take a bus back to the airport and catch the last flight of the day back into munich at 8:00. and that's exactly what i did. crying and panicked. but everything worked out fine and i arrived in munich at midnight, exhausted, starving and relieved. with passport in hand and a new germany stamp :]

i would just like to say hats off to my parents for the way they handled everything. they were so understanding and kind and patient. i will always remember how they reacted and when i am in a similar situation, but in their shoes, i will remember how they reacted and practice the same. you guys rock.

1 comment:

  1. It happens to all of us, Colleen! My last trip I repeatedly did things or ended up in situations where my head was in my hands. You would have thought I had never left South Carolina before! Thank goodness for wonderful parents! :)
