(yeah thats the library i get to study in.)
- your thoughts have acquired a british accent.
- when you have no idea whether the person talking to you has an american accent or a british accent because neither stands out anymore
- you know every single place in town that gives student discounts and you milk it for all its worth at lunch time
- you have three stacks of books on your desk each from different libraries, ordered by due date
- it is second nature to put on tights and a scarf in the morning
- your tongue gets burned every day due to the scalding soup or tea
- you schedule "afternoon tea" into your day
- you make the walk home like a zombie from an entire day spent in the library
- you are genuinely sad when you feel like you didn't squeeze absolutely every drop of your tudor's brilliance out of each tutorial
- you're reading 5 different books at once
- you get confused when you see an american written date and are thrown off by a couple months (have i really been in the library that long?)
- you know not to go into the blackwell's cafe...ever. bc it's always so packed that you can't even hear your own british accented thoughts.
- you hold the exact change in your hand for your order of coffee at your favorite spot
- you start adding the letter "y" at the end of words. like "hiya!" and "soya milk"
- you know which side streets to take to avoid buisnessmen talking to people "no i do not have 10 seconds...and you will take so much longer than that. i know it."
- you carry an umbrella in your purse at all times
- it's exciting when you wake up and the sun is out
- you are constantly hungry from walking everywhere