The first semester of my sophomore year, done. People out of college always look at me with big eyes and tell me "Don't let your time at college go to waste because it will be gone before you know it." And of course I always nod my head and say "Yeah I know, thanks." But I don't mean it. This semester I absolutely know what their talking about. This semester went by faster than I ever could of imagined. And although it did end before I could blink, I had amazing moments throughout the semester. Moments that were shared with good friends. Laughing. Dancing. Talking. Getting to know one another, with care and joy. Moments in San Francisco. Building a team and a family. Moments cooking. Biking. Homeworking. Moments underneath blankets on a crowded couch on the grass. Moments crying. And worrying. Hiking. Drinking tea. Playing soccer. And music. Times with freshman. And coffee. Times in the library. Moments talking in a tree. Moments laying on blankets in the sun. Moments napping. And massaging. And dying hair. And laughing. And laughing. And talking. And laughing.
I could fill many volumes of books if I continued that list. This semester made me thankful. Thankful for my family that supports me in indescribable ways at home. And thankful for my families at Azusa. I am grateful that I have people that surround me with love and friends that continue to genuinely care about me, everyday. God has completely blessed me.

Yes Yes Yes...all so good.